Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Can feminism be thought of as a theory of law Essay

As a concept, feminism is very much a modern notion within legal circles, which aims to eradicate any prejudice against women’s rights. This in a society strongly founded upon a male-orientated legal system, which historically fails to recognise the social and legal rights of women, and instead focuses upon â€Å"male-orientated theories and ideologies.†1 It is this patriarchy that feminists thrive to eliminate. The essence of patriarchy is emphasised by the Marxist legal theory, developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the 19th Century, which places no emphasis upon gender, and consequently belittles the feminists fight for gender equality. Juxtaposed with the rigid Marxist approach to legal rule is the postmodernist dialect that offers a â€Å"positive method of forcing individuals to confront and change the rigid contexts and structures (including laws) within which they have arbitrarily confined themselves.†2 The ideology of feminism is split into three distinct categories, all of which work towards one common goal of removing gender prejudices: 1) Liberal feminism is grounded in â€Å"classical liberal thinking that individuals should be free to develop their own talents and pursue their own interests. Liberal feminists accept the basic organisation of our society but seek to expand the rights and opportunities of women. Liberal feminists support equal rights and oppose prejudice and discrimination that block the aspirations of women.†3 2) Socialist feminism is an evolution from Marxist conflict theory, essentially made in reaction to the little attention Marx paid to gender. Socialist feminists argue that the â€Å"bourgeois family must be restructured to end ‘domestic slavery’ in favour of some collective means of carrying out housework and child care. The key to this goal, in turn, is a socialist revolution that creates a state-centred economy operating to meet the needs of all. Such a basic transformation of society requires that women and men pursue their personal liberation together, rather than individually, as liberal feminists maintain.†4 3) The third form of feminism is radical feminism. This, as the name suggests is the most extreme version of feminism, it disregards the liberal theory as â€Å"superficial and inadequate,†5 and they claim that even a socialist revolution would not end patriarchy. Radical feminists strive to create a society free from any gender inequality by completely abolishing the cultural notion of gender. To look at these three forms of feminism an observer would be ignorant to discard feminism as having no legal influence, as it is clear to see from these that support for such movements is vast and comes in various forms, all of which attack the same enemy, patriarchy, albeit in differing manners. These differing methods are accentuated by recent developments and movements in society, particularly in the 20th Century these can be clearly highlighted by looking at the actions of the suffragettes in 1910, which illustrate a more active approach to campaigning. As previously mentioned feminist legal theories are a contemporary concept, for this reason a â€Å"radical new methodology in legal theory† is required in order to encompass the new issues raised by feminism as a legal theory. Such a new methodology could be found in the ‘critical legal theory’ method, as it would be able to incorporate feminist views such as the theory that a â€Å"male-orientated appreciation of law emphasises individualism and ‘rights’ at the expense of ‘female’ emphases upon interaction and cooperation.† 6 This approach is however, solely a theoretical one, and as such it does not entirely cover the needs of feminism, insofar as â€Å"feminism is only partially and peripherally concerned with academic theorising,†7 the major part of the work of feminism is to promote the â€Å"dissatisfactions of a wide spectrum of women,† which highlight the general inequality felt by women in regards to legal and social equality. Therefore critical legal studies, instead of acting as a definition, are rather a useful means of indicating the â€Å"explicit and implicit male orientation of law and legal administration and the resulting disadvantage and marginalisation often suffered by women.†8 This has led to the recognition of three fundamental elements which personify a feminist legal theory. â€Å"These are: a) asking the ‘woman question’, i.e. the extent of the presence and recognition of women’s experience in law; b) feminist practical reasoning, meaning a reasoning which proceeds from context and values difference and the experience of the unempowered; and c) consciousness raising, meaning an exploration of the collective experience of women through a sharing of individual experiences.†9 These three elements, outlined above by Katherine T. Bartlett, are designed to act as the source for future feminist legal theory development, particularly in respect of women’s outlook upon law with the intention of improving women’s legal position in the future â€Å"development or redevelopment of law.†10 The legal evolution, or, redevelopment, mentioned above is one in which women strive to see a revolution from an â€Å"inherently ‘male’ legal mindset implicitly discriminating against women because it is framed in terms of male experience which does not necessarily relate to that of women.†11 That is to say, that in numerous situations women are expected to mirror full-time, long-term and unionised male workers, when in reality women digress from this norm insofar as their working patterns tend to be far more interrupted and part-time. From this a clear paradox is produced, as feminists while thriving to be treated as the males equal simultaneously require a variant from this norm in order to account for their differing responsibilities. This attitude is stressed distinctly by the remarks of Joanne Conaghan and Louise Chudleigh, when they say, â€Å"labour law both embodies and conceals the gender division of labour and, by focusing exclusively on the world of paid work, ignores the differing responsibilities [of] †¦ men and women.†12 Such inadequacies within the legal system are numerous and ironically even legal structures that aim to eradicate gender discrimination can be seen to be based upon analogies created from â€Å"irrelevant, and sometimes outdated, male experience.† An unmistakable example of this is the treatment of maternity leave as analogous to the sick leave of their male counterpart. This is coupled by the notion that parenting is predominantly the female’s role, which is highlighted by the â€Å"very limited provisions for paternity leave.† 13 The underlying problem here is that, in order to be treated fairly and without any prejudice women are required to meet a norm set by existing male experiences which by there very nature do not create a balanced equality, and thus â€Å"existing legal standards and concepts disadvantage women†14 as they merely incorporate women into existing male-orientated legal structures, rather than recreating the legal structures so as to be established upon male and female requirements. The above mentioned relationship between female legal theory and critical legal studies creates a clear enhancement, in regards to political knowledge and understanding of feminists legal argument, and consequently for the female legal theory. The noticeable thing to emphasise from this is the â€Å"disadvantaging effect of concealed and frequently unrealised bias in a legal order which has for the most part developed from male rather than female experience,†15 and has therefore produced a rather lopsided legal system in favour of men. This prejudice has now been identified, thanks to the relationship between critical legal studies and feminist legal theory, this identification can be perceived as a significant legal stepping stone towards a legal system that not only incorporates females, but is instead founded upon female and male experiences resulting in an equality which is not merely all encompassing in terms of a male perspective, but rather an equality that is derived f rom the experiences of both genders. Strongly contrasting the accommodating nature of critical legal studies in relation to female legal theories, are those theories of law and society created by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Their creation, Marxism, a derivative of a much older proposition by Immanuel Kant that stated that, â€Å"every thesis has a contrary antithesis†16 and that eventual resolution of these two contradictory perspectives, through revolution, would end up creating an ‘absolute understanding’. This led to Marx placing specific importance upon an economic foundation from which all things within society, both social and political, are merely ‘superstructure.’ It is for this reason that Marxism has been described as being a distinctly materialistic theory. A strong contrast can be seen between the feminist legal theory, which bases its social beliefs at the apex of its legal structure, and the Marxist theory which states that â€Å"social understanding is seen as an ideological perception of the economic relations existing at a given time which will change as the underlying economic relationships alter.†17 Here it is clear that a Marxist approach would place very little emphasis upon the social question of gender inequality, but would instead focus upon an economic foundation with the speculation that if a high enough proportion of society feel a need to increase gender equality then a revolution would take place. For Marxism social revolution appears to be the basis for the theory to develop. It would therefore appear to be a theory that shows little appreciation for social needs, such as those displayed by the female legal theory. For feminists to advance their legal theory through a Marxist approach, the attitude of socialist feminists, as discussed above, would have to be adopted. That is to say that the â€Å"bourgeois family must be restructured to end ‘domestic slavery’ in favour of some collective means of carrying out housework and childcare. The key to this goal, in turn, is a socialist revolution that creates a state-centred economy operating to meet the needs of all. Such a basic transformation of society requires that women and men pursue their personal liberation together, rather than individually, as liberal feminists maintain.†18 This once again highlights the idea of a union between both genders, encompassing experiences from both so as to enable females not only to be incorporated into an existing legal structure but instead to recreate a legal structure based upon the needs and experiences of both genders. A legal theory that promotes the liberating philosophy required in order to create a society able to accept the alterations needed to adequately unify both genders in a legal sense is the ‘postmodern’ legal theory. This theory, commonly portrayed as a â€Å"recipe for relativism,†19 also displays the characteristics needed in order to force â€Å"individuals to confront and change the rigid contexts and structures (including laws) within which they have arbitrarily confined themselves.†20 In this sense it is the ideal method for women to promote and execute the installation of their female legal theory. As it would not only tolerate an amendment in the law to integrate women into existing law, but more than this it would allow them to â€Å"change the rigid contexts and structures† mentioned above, which have prevented the advancement of gender equality within the legal structure. However, postmodernism also raises some problems in relation to feminist jurisprudence. Hilaire Barnett states that â€Å"there must be developed critiques †¦ which reject the universalist, foundationalist, philosophical and political understanding offered by modernism†¦and in its place there exists diversity, plurality, competing rationalities, competing perspectives and uncertainty as to the potentiality of theory.†21 In general, here she is saying that women must resist generalising their condition within society, and instead focus upon the â€Å"multiplicity of subjectivities, identities, which inhere in the individual.†22 Overall, I believe feminism to be undoubtedly ‘fundamental in some way.’ The critical legal theory discussed above shows how society has failed to display mutuality, not only towards women as members of society but towards men and women, through an â€Å"improper discriminatory selectivity, generate alienation and, ultimately, disfunctionality in the working of a legal order.†23 This inequality has led to the recognition of three fundamental elements which personify a feminist legal theory. Resistance is however, met by a Marxist legal theory, which displays very little appreciation of gender issues. However, a feminist theory could be adopted through the Marxist ‘bourgeois’ revolutionary approach, which would see both genders uniting in a revolution to change the pre-adopted norms of society. This idea of changing preconceived rules and laws within society would allow a feminist legal theory to develop, an idea given weight to by the postmodern legal theory, which also places special emphasis upon withdrawing from a united generalisation of women and instead focusing upon them as individuals. Therefore, I would argue that ‘feminism’ can be thought of as a theory of law, albeit not on the same scale as other theories previously mentioned, such as Marxism. But it’s rapid evolution and recent political and legal enhancement within society makes it a theory with considerable weight, and certainly a theory ‘fundamental in some way.’ 1 Textbook on Jurisprudence – Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White 2 Textbook on Jurisprudence – Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White 3 Sociology A Global Introduction – John J. Macionis and Ken Plummer 4 Sociology A Global Introduction – John J. Macionis and Ken Plummer 5 Resisting Patriarchy: The Women’s Movement and Feminism 6 Textbook on Jurisprudence – Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White 7 ‘Dworkin, Which Dworkin? Taking Feminism Seriously’ in P. Fitzpatrick and A. Hunt, eds., Critical Legal Studies (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1987), p.47.) 8 Textbook on Jurisprudence – Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White 9 Katherine T. Bartlett, ‘Feminist Legal Method’ (1970) 103 Harv L Rev, 829 10 Katherine T. Bartlett, ‘Feminist Legal Method’ (1970) 103 Harv L Rev, 829 11 Textbook on Jurisprudence – Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White 12 ‘Women in Confinement: Can Labour Law Deliver the Goods?’ In Critical Legal Studies, p. 133 at p. 137. 13 Textbook on Jurisprudence – Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White 14 ‘Feminist Legal Methods’ (1970) 103 Harv L Rev , p.829 at p.837. 15 Textbook on Jurisprudence – Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White 16 Textbook on Jurisprudence – Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White 17 Textbook on Jurisprudence – Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White 18 Sociology A Global Introduction – John J. Macionis and Ken Plummer 19 Textbook on Jurisprudence – Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White 20 Textbook on Jurisprudence – Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White 21 H. Barnett, Introduction to Feminist Theory (London: Cavendish Publishers, 1998, p. 180. 22 H. Barnett Introduction to Feminist Jurisprudence, pp. 1179-80 23 Textbook on Jurisprudence – Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Seven events that shaped the New Testament world Essay

The conviction of the group that Jesus comes in contact with when at Matthew’s is that â€Å"one who claims to be holy should not have dinner with tax collectors and sinners.† In those ancient times, tax collectors were perceived a bad lot that was made up of sinners. To the Pharisees who thought of themselves as the holy lot, associating or even talking to tax collectors was an abomination. They identified themselves as the only holy people and the most clean spiritually and thus could not associate with sinners. Their group was made of the Pharisees and anybody who did contrary to their beliefs was considered unholy (Carter, 2013). Some of the people whom they did not associate with were the sick, prostitutes and the tax collectors. The sick were considered unholy because the Pharisees believed that sickness was caused by sins, prostitution was a condemnation because it was a sin and the tax collectors were considered sinners because of their couth ways of collecting taxes. Jesus came to make the wrongs right, He thus does complete opposite of what the Pharisees believed in. This brings a lot of misunderstandings between Jesus and the Pharisees because they care most about maintaining their religious holiness than reaching out to those in need of being whole again, that is, without sins or diseases as a result of their preaching and works of mercy to those in need (Holy Bible, 2007). In the text, at its most basic, the conflict between Jesus and the leaders is about doing against the set religious rules. The rule that Jesus breaks in this context is that a holy person should not eat from the same table with sinners. In this case, Jesus was eating together with Matthew in his place and Matthew is a tax collector. This is so because tax collectors were not only disreputable sinners but also were considered as spies of the Romans against their associated Jews. Nobody loved any man who worked at the levy office. Thus, they lived a secluded life like outcasts in their own community. Matthew sought to bring his old acquaintances to hear the Christ. After his calling, he now understands how powerful the grace of Christ was and would like his fellow tax collectors to experience the same. This portrays that the ones who have an experience with the Christ develops a desire that others be brought to him to have the same experience. As Jesus points out, those who think that their souls are not ailing do not long for a spiritual physician (Holy Bible, 2007). This was a direct hit to the Jews since they could not understand that Jesus, as John the Baptist said, was coming to heal the sick, to cleanse the sinners and to give hope to those who were in despair. Jesus demonstrated that he came for all by incorporating all in His teachings and day to day encounters but the Jewish despised Him because they held a view that they are whole. The that the poor publicans and sinners felt that they were in need of amendment and instruction but could not get it from the Pharisees and that is why Jesus kept them close to make them whole against. This was a regular cause of misunderstanding between him and the Jews (Holy Bible, 2007). There are several things we need to know about the historical world to understand the conflict between Jesus and the leaders at the Matthew’s. First, the Jewish people out rightly regarded tax collectors as conspirators because they worked for the Roman regime, and had the power of Roman militaries behind them so as to brutally compel people to pay levies. They were most eminent traitors with Roman regime (Carter, 2013). Secondly, Jewish regarded tax collectors to be extortionists because they kept everything they collected. Since tax collectors bid for a contractor to collect taxes in particular areas, the Romans gave the contracts to the person with the highest bid. The bidder would collect levies, give the Roman Empire what he had promised and would keep the rest. Therefore, there were many instances where the tax collectors levied high taxes and cheating with any opportunity they found so as to amass as much money as they could. For them, this was a business with wholesome profit making as they deemed necessary (Holy Bible, 2007). Thirdly, when a Jew got into the duties’ service, he was considered a cast away from the society. He was banned as a judge or an eye witness in a law court hearing, was barred from the synagogue and in the face of the public, his discredit prolonged to his kinfolks. This shows how bad the Jews hated the tax-leviers to an extent of considering them sinners, an abomination in the society and this hatred protracted to their family. Their grounds on which this kind of hate was based were genuine no wonder they were so bitter on Jesus when he associated with sinners and even went to an extent of dinning with them (Kraybill, 2003). The bone of contention here is the cause of misunderstanding between Jesus and the Jewish. What the Jewish do not seem to understand is that Jesus had come to make right that which is wrong. The knowing of the above past practices informs me in several ways in the process of reading the Matthew gospel. First, I now understand that the Jews were real fanatics of their religious dogmas. They highly valued conformation to their religious practices with an aim of staying clean and straight. Secondly, I now understand that every misunderstanding between Jesus and the Jews had a cause and it had something to do with a contradiction of the Jewish existing religious doctrines. Lastly, the misunderstandings were always eminent between Jesus and the Jewish religious leaders because the Jews were not ready to accept the purpose for the coming of Christ. If only they understood, they would have compromised to accommodate His teachings (Carter, 2013). References Carter, W. (2013).Seven events that shaped the New Testament world. Holy Bible: NRSV, New Revised Standard Version. (2007). New York: Harper Bibles. Kraybill, D. (2003). The upside-down kingdom.Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press. Source document

Monday, July 29, 2019

An Effective Mechanism to Diminish Arbitrary Exercise of Discretionary Power

An Effective Mechanism to Diminish Arbitrary Exercise of Discretionary Power â€Å"If judicial review of administrative decision is the heart of administrative law, then concept of natural justice is one of the suppliers of blood to that heart. It is inherent in rule of law and our thirst for justice. † Abstract Natural justice is considered to be as old as the system of dispensation of justice itself. Since its move toward administrative adjudication, it has been the defender of fairness and justice in exercise of discretionary power of administration. The artificial distinction between judicial and administrative adjudication has blurred. Natural justice ensures the minimum procedural fairness in administrative adjudication. Right to fair hearing before an impartial and unbiased forum has been the key to ensure fairness and diminish arbitrariness in exercise of discretionary power. This paper seems to propose that the battle between fairness and arbitrariness, however, has been a continuous one and natural justice keeps its role as diminisher of arbitrariness open to play. 1 Introduction Natural justice, as a concept relating to administrative adjudication, can be defined as the unwritten law of fairness. This age-old principle has been applied to administrative and adjudication process to ensure procedural fairness and to free them from arbitrariness. In Bangladesh, there is no statute providing for procedural fairness which administration should follow in exercise of discretionary power. It is natural justice which invokes the minimum fair procedures which should be followed in administrative decision making. This paper, in part two, will show that the concept of Natural Justice and its application in Justice delivery system is not new. It seems to be as old as the system of dispensation of justice itself. The Principles were accepted as early as in the days of Adam and of Kautilya’s Arthashastra. Then this paper will move to look into how concept of natural justice was invoked into the administrative decision making. It will be  shown that initially the principles of natural justice used to be applied to courts of law alone but later on from judicial sphere it extended, to the tribunals exercising quasi-judicial functions and then to the statutory authorities and the administrative authorities, who have upon them, the responsibility of determining civil rights or obligations of the people. After examining application of the concept in administrative adjudication, the paper will concentrate in examining two basic principles of natural justice to how these principles diminish arbi trary exercise of discretionary power. In this part, it will be revealed that natural justice ensures minimum procedural fairness in administrative decision making. It precludes a partial and biased tribunal from adjudicating. It obliges the tribunal to provide show reasons of its decisions with precisions. While fair tribunal is less probable to decide arbitrarily, showing reasons for the decision decreases significantly limits the scope of whimsical and arbitrary decision making. In at the end of the paper, it will be proposed that the Battle between fairness and arbitrariness has been a continuous one and natural justice has fought to defeat arbitrariness. Since its move toward administrative adjudication, natural justice has been the defender of fairness and justice in exercise of discretionary power of administration. 2 Natural justice: the ‘unwritten law of fairness’ Natural justice implies fairness, equity and equality. This age-old principle has been applied to administrative and adjudication process to ensure procedural fairness and to free them from arbitrariness. Different jurists have described the principle in different ways. Some called it as the unwritten law (jus non scriptum) or the law of reason. It has, however not been found to be capable of being defined, but some jurists have described the principle as a great humanising principle intended to invest law with fairness to secure justice and to prevent miscarriage of justice. With the passage of time, some principles have evolved and crystallised which are well recognized principles of natural justice. Today the question of control of administrative discretionary power is perhaps the most critical and crucial problem of administrative law. In modern democracies the role and jurisdiction of administrative agencies is increasing at a rapid pace. The concept of Rule of Law would loose its validity if the instrumentalities of the State are not charged with the duty of discharging these functions in a fair and just manner. However, there is no statute laying down the minimum procedure which administrative agencies must follow while exercising decision-making powers. This minimum fair procedure refers to the principles of natural justice. Lord Viscount Haldane outlined principle of natural justice in the following word: â€Å" those whose duty it is to decide must act judicially. They must deal with the question referred to them without bias and they must give to each of the parties the opportunity of adequately presenting the case made. The decision must come to the spirit and with the sense of responsibility of a tribunal whose duty it is to meet out justice. † Natural justice, as a concept of common law, represents higher procedural principles developed by the courts, which every judicial, quasi-judicial and administrative agency must follow while taking any decision adversely affecting the rights of a private individual. The principles of natural justice were associated with a few ‘accepted rules’ which have been built up and pronounced over a long period of time. The word ‘Natural Justice’ manifests justice according to one’s own conscience. It is derived from the Roman Concept ‘jus naturale’ and ‘Lex naturale’ which meant principle of natural law, natural justice, eternal law, natural equity or good conscience. Lord Evershed, Master of the Rolls in Vionet v Barrett (1985, 55 LLJ QB, 39, Page 45) remarked, â€Å"Natural Justice is the natural sense of what is right and wrong. There is no statute laying down the minimum procedure which administrative agencies must follow while exercising decision-making powers. This minimum fair procedure refers to the principles of natural justice. Natural Justice is an expression of English common law. Lord Viscount Haldane outlined principle of natural justice in the following word: â€Å" those whose duty it is to decide must act judicially. They must deal with the question referred to them without bias and they must give to each of the parties the opportunity of adequately presenting the case made. The decision must come to the spirit and with the sense of responsibility of a tribunal whose duty it is to meet out justice. † While the term natural justice is often retained as a general concept, it has largely been replaced and extended by the more general duty to act fairly. Parpworth in his ‘Constitutional and Administrative Law’ views that linguistic difficulties with natural justice have forced the courts, in recent time, to use fairness as a concept to ensure minimum procedural propriety. Lord Parker C. J. in Re H. K. [1967] 2 Q. B. 617, 630 (C. A.) said that ‘[it] is not, as I see it, a question of acting or being required to act judicially, but of being required to act fairly’. Concept of natural justice has a close relation with fairness. The Supreme Court of India outlined the relation of fairness with natural justice in the following words: ‘Indeed, natural justice is a pervasive facet of secular law where a spiritual touch enlivens legislation, administration and adjudication, to make fairness a creed of life. It has many colours and shades, many forms and shapes and, save where valid law excludes, it applies when people are affected by acts of authority. It is the bone of healthy government†¦.. Thus ‘natural justice’, as a concept relating to administrative adjudication, can be defined as the unwritten law of fairness. In Bangladesh, there is no statute providing for procedural fairness which administration should follow in exercise of discretionary power. It is natural justice which invokes the minimum fair procedures which should be followed in administrative decision making. 3 The First Man’s experience with natural justice: A Twenty First Century Analysis The concept of Natural Justice and its application in Justice delivery system is not new. It seems to be as old as the system of dispensation of justice itself. The Principles were accepted as early as in the days of Adam and of Kautilya’s Arthashastra. According to the Bible and Quran, when Adam amp; Eve ate the fruit forbidden by God, the God did not pass sentence on Adam before he was called upon to defend himself. Concept of natural justice was known to Greek and Romans. Aristotle, before the era of Christ, spoke of such principles calling it as universal law. Justinian, in the fifth and sixth Centuries A. D. called it jura naturalia i.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Traxial Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Traxial - Lab Report Example A triaxial cell was used in the experiment. The soil was encased in the cell. The soil was loaded hydrostatically until the desired pressure was obtained. The axial load was increased up to the soil failure, when the pressure was constant. The resulting deformation, and applied load was measured using a system of acquiring data, and load deformation curves plotted. When the soil reached a high confine pressure, it reached a brittle-ductile transition (Ferrari, A. laloui, L. & Koliji, A. 2011). Beyond this stress condition, the soil increased the load capabilities with no observed failure due to the additional axial strain that was imposed (Zhang et al. 2010) Introduction A triaxial compression test involves a method that is used in measuring the chemical properties of solids that are deformed such as rocks, soil, powders, or granular components. During this method, water or oil as medium of confining is normally used to ensure that the confining pressure is same in the different dire ctions. In the case of loose granular components like sand, the soil is kept in a cylindrical latex sleeve having a flat circular platen or metal plate covering the bottom and the top ends (Ferrari, A. laloui, L. & Koliji, A. 2011). The cylinder would then be placed inside the water bath to offer pressure along the cylindrical sides. The top metal plate would be driven mechanically down or up along the cylinder axis to have the material squeezed. In this case, the distance covered by the top metal plate is obtained as a force function that is needed to be moved. In this case, the surrounding water pressure is controlled carefully (Zhang et al. 2010). The volume net change of the given material would equally be measured depending on the amount of water that moves inside and outside the bath (Ferrari, A. laloui, L. & Koliji, A. 2011). This measurement is obtained whenever water has saturated the samples through taking the measurement of the quantity of water flowing in an out of the p ores of the given samples. In order to understanding the characteristics of the triaxial compression test, an experiment was set to investigate the undrained triaxial compression test. The key objective of the experiment was to find out the undrained shear strength of soil samples through the use of the triaxial compression test. Experiment procedure The apparatus used in the study involved a triaxial cell, and the soil component. Water under pressure was poured into the triaxial cell. The specimen was vertically loaded through a ring to ensure that the load was measured. The vertical load was increased up to when a failure occurred. At the same time, the vertical strain was recorded using the dial gauge. This test was repeated using different cell pressure values. The samples were extruded out of the tube and trimmed to the size of the soil sample. The soil sample had a diameter of 38mm and a length of 76 mm. The samples were then sleeved using a rubber membrane. The samples were t hen put on the pedestal at the cell bottom and sealed using a ring of rubber. The loading cap was placed on top of each sample and equally sealed using the rubber ring before having the drainage tube secured. After this, the cell was mounted over the sample and filled following the checklist of the flooding triaxial cell. The test was then set up with the help of the assistant from the clip studio, and the checklist for the pressurising triaxial cell completed before running the stages of the test. After completing the stages of

Bio project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Bio project - Essay Example Treatment options are very few with varying degree of success percentage. This paper briefly explains Leukemia, probable reasons and treatment options. Exact reasons of blood cancer are still unknown, but genetic effects and exposure to retroviruses are generally considered as the reasons of blood cancer (Mamgain). Leukaemia means ‘white cells in the blood. â€Å"The white cells are part of the body’s immune system, and there are several sub-groups of white cells that have different sorts of roles in recognizing and dealing with ‘invaders’ such as bacteria and viruses as well as other types of foreign protein. All of the blood cells originate in the bone marrow and leukaemia is a disease where the bone marrow produces large numbers of abnormal white cells. This means that the normal marrow is pushed into smaller and smaller areas. This results in fewer normal cells being produced and gives rise to some of the symptoms† (Dr  Ã‚  Green) Blood test and born marrow test is used to confirm leukemia. Based on the nature and seriousness, Leukemia can be classified into four categories; ALL (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia), AML (Acute Myelocytic Leukemia), CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia), CML (Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia) (CHRONIC LEUKEMIA TREATMENT INFORMATION) Symptoms of leukemia include’ Fatigue, Malaise (vague feeling of bodily discomfort), Abnormal bleeding, Excessive bruising, Weakness, Reduced exercise tolerance, Weight loss, Bone or joint pain, Infection and fever, Abdominal pain or "fullness", Enlarged spleen, lymph nodes, and liver etc (Leukemia Signs and Symptoms, 2009) It is difficult to diagnose blood cancer because of the similarities blood cancer symptoms have with other diseases. For example, fatigue weight loss fever etc is generally associated with many other diseases and the doctors will try to treat such diseases initially before going for a detailed

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Hamilcar Barca research paper paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hamilcar Barca - Research Paper Example A review of Hannibal’s early life is important for one to understand what motivated the Carthaginian hero. Hannibal was born to Hamilcar Barca, who was a Carthaginian leader at the time (Antiquity 74). At the time of his birth, Carthaginians and Romans were at supremacy war fighting over the Mediterranean Sea. To this end, the two were expanding their empires and conflict was almost inevitable given the fact that both had the same ambitions. The first punic war lasted from 264-241 BC led by the Barca family from the Carthaginians, and Scipio family from the Romans side. As the war ended, Carthaginians had lost control of Sicily and Sardinia in the western Mediterranean. This infuriated Hamiclar, who was the general commanding the Carthaginians in the first punic war. The humiliation made Hamiclar hate the Romans with a passion (Prevas 40). Scullard writes, â€Å"Hamilcar truly hated Romans after they humiliated the Carthaginians at their forced surrender at Sicily† (184 ). Hannibal was barely 20 years old when he was sent to Spain by the senate after Hasdrubal had insisted that the young Barca needed proper military education. Despite his young age, Hannibal was very eager to learn since he knew that this was preparation for him to rise to power and wage war against Romans. It is said that Hamilcar had â€Å"made his son swear eternal hatred to Rome† (Scullard 184) when he was very young. Hannibal received a warm welcome and immediate recognition among the troops. Prevas says that when Hannibal arrived in Spain, the troops â€Å"saw in this young boy their old commander Hamilcar† (48). As he matured, Hannibal earned more respect from the Carthage army in Spain. Hannibal got political knowledge from Hasdrubal and war competence through experience with the soldiers’ activities. The art of war seemed to come to Hannibal naturally as well (Prevas 48). Prevas further notes that Hannibal never did anything extra than the others, he a te and drank just enough to stay alive, slept on bare ground, and took guard duty just like any other soldier (48). He became a respected, skilled fighter and further learned Latin, the enemy language. Hannibal’s interaction with the soldiers served to build a strong bond with them; this would come in handy in the coming war (Prevas 48-49). Hannibal finally rose to power in 221 BC after violent assassination of Hasdrubal. Hannibal’s intense hatred for the Romans meant that he could not afford to waste any time before he started planning his terror against the Romans. Just like his father, Hannibal was ambitious about conquering lands in Spain. He, therefore, disregarded the treaty that Hasdrubal had signed with the Romans and continued expanding his territory west. Hannibal soon acknowledged the fact â€Å"Carthaginian victories in Spain would not break the power of Rome† (Scullard 186). Hannibal realized that he had to break the Italian Confederacy to bring dow n Rome. A perfect point for him to start his Rome mission would be Saguntum, a city allied to Rome and between Spain and the Alps (Barnes 1). Hannibal initiated the second punic war by his aggression and seizure over Saguntum in 219 BC, which the Romans considered an act of war, (Barnes 1). This act made the Romans furious, and they â€Å"ordered the Carthaginian government to hand Hannibal over to them† (Michael 98). Hannibal ignored the threats and proceeded to plot entry to Italy; he realized that to keep both Carthage and

Friday, July 26, 2019

War in Syria Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

War in Syria - Essay Example The uprising is believed to be caused by dictatorship, corruption and human rights violations among other grievances (Rosiny, 2). Syrian war is a prolonged conflict that is currently taking place in Syria between the military and those opposed to the regime of Baa’thist government led by Bashar al-Assad. It started during the Arab spring. Syrian Arab republic was established in 1920 as a French colony in Western Asia. It has its headquarters in Damascus. The country borders Israel, Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq and the Mediterranean Sea. At the time of the Arab spring Syrian president Bashar al Assad enjoyed a relatively good support from the citizens. Bashar al Assad took the reign of power from his father, Hafez al- Assad in 2000 when the father died. Hafez became president in 1970 through a coup de tat. After taking power, Hafez set up an authoritarian regime that didn’t tolerate activities of the Muslim brotherhood which was the main opposition to the ruling regime at that time. He encouraged the idea of divide and rule. He enjoyed the support of the Sunni Arabs who made up almost 60% of the entire Syrian population and that of Christians. He also had the support of his minority group of the Alawis. He excluded those who were perceived not to be in support of his policies like the Kurds. When his son took power in 2000, he introduced political and economical reform measures in Syria. He released scores of political prisoners and initiated a number of economic reforms that made him popular with the people. According to Assad Al-Saleh (2014), the period known as the Damascus spring which was during the earlier days of Bashar al- Assad tenure in office shows that the opposition and political activities were tolerated. But this did not last for long. Bashar al Assad regime was characterized by corruption and alienated other communities. The regime was also oppressive and arrested opposition leaders. The people

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Drinking age Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Drinking age - Essay Example It is stated in the act, along with other enforcements that the states should legislate or enforce the minimum legal drinking age to be twenty one years old. It is also stated under the Federal Aid Highway Act, that the state that fails to mandate or enforce the twenty one years old law of drinking age, is at risk of losing ten percent of the federal funding for highway appointments. There have been several controversies related to the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984. The law was effective in 1984, when President Reagan signed this law for implementation, many people are convinced that the most influential supporter for the act was Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) (Stefan, K, pp.25). Even if it is true or not, there is one thing very apparent that was the act was imposed as a law due to extraordinary support from the groups of special interests among which MADD was one of them. From a very long time, drinking has been considered as a government lack of control issue. Du ring the year 1919, a prohibition was effective which imposed a ban on everyone from drinking alcohol regardless of age group. It was considered as a criminal offense to manufacture, possess, sell or drink alcoholic beverages. The prohibition was lifted by the year 1933, and once again the consumption and possession alcoholic drink was legal. It was official prompted to many states, cities and municipalities that they control drinking by creating legislation. Through several studies, it is suggested that the brain of a youngster is not completely developed until the age of twenty one that is the reason why the brain of youngster is affected differently as compared to the effects on an adult. After several discussions it was settled that the age of twenty one was ideal for legal drinking age and an act was passed, it was required by the states to increase the age of legal drinking to twenty one otherwise their percentage of funding for highways will be reduced by ten percent. The tim e duration provided for implementation was two years. Some of the states enforced the law, some states did not but at present all the states have implemented the law. There are additional exceptions available in the Federal law, if youngsters want to pursue employment in a place where there is dealing of alcoholic beverages. An eighteen year old is eligible to work in a restaurant, bar and serve alcohol at a liquor store, the possession of alcohol in such case is legal, but they are not allowed to consume it. In some states the prohibition are more specifically defined as compared to others, whereas some municipalities have no legislation defined in this regard related to the legal age of drinking. To date there has been a lot of confusion raised with regards to what is allowed and what is not, as the implementation varied from state to state, but it is better to be precautious by being safe and not consuming or possessing alcohol beverages under the age of twenty one. United States of America has implemented highest age of legal drinking as compared to all other countries. Russia, Spain, Ireland, Mexico, Australia and England all these countries have the legal drinking age eighteen. Portugal, Greece, Germany, Italy and few other countries have allowed the young citizen to consume beer at a young age of sixteen, whereas some of the countries have no defined

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Rebel by Charlie Nguyens Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Rebel by Charlie Nguyens - Essay Example Before 2002, foreign films were not allowed screening in movie theatres. The government revised its policy in 2002 and the private movie studios were given the green signal to carry out their work. This policy change brought new opportunities for independent movie producers to become commercially successful. By 2005, the private studios were seeing success in terms of production and distribution of movies but the commercial and independent moviemakers received no funding. The policy change seemed to lure for the expatriates who saw an opportunity in making films in Vietnam. Low-budget movie makers and technicians found the business profitable in the wake of increasing domestic disposable income. The expatriates especially jumped on the bandwagon. However, the moviemakers did not enjoy complete autonomy because the state policy determined the overall film production. The taste of the audience also governed the theme and movie genre. Betrayal and loyalty have turned out to be the two major themes in the Vietnamese film production history. The Rebel also portrays these themes, which are really relevant in the today’s Vietnam. Vietnam had remained at war for such a long time that it drained its economy and the much-needed liquidity. The country has either fought off invasions or engaged in wars with France, China, Japan, Cambodia and the US (Narkunas, p. 149). In 1979 Vietnam was fighting 1 million Chinese troops. The battle depleted Vietnamese economic resources and left it as one of the poorest countries in the world. It is inevitable that the theme of patriotism manifests itself in the Vietnamese film industry. The themes of betrayal and loyalty always almost always find its place in the screenplay of successful Vietnamese movies. The Rebel is based on the struggles of fighting the French occupation in Vietnam. The protagonists of the movie converse with his father about loyalty to the country.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Safety Precautions for Nurses while delivering Medications to Patients Essay

Safety Precautions for Nurses while delivering Medications to Patients - Essay Example â€Å"A medication error is any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or patient harm while the medication is in the control of the health care professional, patient, or consumer. Such events may be related to professional practice, health care products, procedures, and systems, including prescribing; order communication; product labeling, packaging, and nomenclature; compounding; dispensing; distribution; administration; education; monitoring; and use" (National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention, 2012, p. 1). From the definitions, these errors are an action that are apparently committed and are divergent from the intended act; and, as a consequence fails to adhere to the principles of safety and conformity to the delivery of the highest quality of patient care, as expected from the health care profession. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) appropriately provided definitions of patient safety and quality of care as presented from the paper written by Mitchell. Accordingly, the IOM was reported to have provided the definition of quality as â€Å"the degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge† (Lohr, 1990; cited in Mitchell, 2008, p. 1). As such, quality of care incorporates elements that ensures patient safety and the delivery of highy quality of health services. Concurrently, patient safety was defined by the IOM as â€Å"the prevention of harm to patients† (Aspden, Corrigan, Wolcott, & al., 2004; cited in Mitchell, 2008, p. 2). The nursing theory that espouses both patient safety and quality of care is adherence to the principles of beneficence and least harm: to do good and to possibly inflict the minimum possible harm, if not at all preventable. In this regard, several studies have already tried to

The Effects of Burning Essay Example for Free

The Effects of Burning Essay This study analyzes the effect of burning on the decay process, abundance of invertebrate fauna, and the diversity of invertebrate fauna in the pig liver samples; effect of the length of decay to the diversity of soil invertebrate fauna; and, the effect of the length of decay to the numbers of the soil invertebrate fauna. Two hundred grams (440 lbs) samples of pig (Sus scrofa L. ) liver were utilized in this experiment by exposing it to the grassland soil environment around Byrom Street Complex between 2 days and 4 weeks. At day 3, 7, 10, 14, and 17 burnt and unburnt liver samples and five soil cores from underneath the liver samples were collected and placed at -20 °C to prevent further degradation and multiplication of the invertebrate fauna present in the sample. Then the invertebrates present in the pig liver samples and soil cores were extracted, identified, and counted. The study results which were tested with a two sided t-test shows evidence that there is significant effect of burning in the abundance of invertebrate fauna in the corpse of vertebrate animal species. Burning decreases the number of invertebrate fauna colonizing the dead body remains. The t-test analysis of the data gathered also proves the significance of the relationship between the rate of decay of dead body remains and the burning. The study concludes that the invertebrate fauna abundance does not increase in relation to the length of decay. The Effects of Burning on Diversity and Numbers of Invertebrate Fauna in Decaying Dead Bodies of Vertebrate Animals and Soil with Decaying Dead Matter INTRODUCTION Decaying vertebrate remains are good food source for insects whilst these insects are also of significance in the decomposition of these remains. The scavenging invertebrate fauna of vertebrate body remains today is utilized as important tools in the identification of the time elapsed since the death of the body. Continuous research has been done on the matter thus the emergence of forensic entomology which is the employment of invertebrate fauna such as arthropods, earthworms, and slugs in determining the time elapse from the death of the vertebrate animals especially human beings(Gomes, 2006). This field in forensic science known specifically as medicocriminal or medicolegal entomology which focus on the utilization of arthropod evidence for the criminal investigation of wrongful or unexplained deaths has gained significant importance in legal medicine(Tabor, 2004). Body temperature and conditions like rigor mortis or livor mortis are insignificant factors to consider during cases wherein the human carcass has been found days after his or her death. During these cases the insects that colonize the decaying dead human’s remains can provide information about the postmortem interval (PMI). Evidence that can serve as tool for the measurement of the PMI can be provided by the age of the immature stages of insects existing in the human carcass(Gomes, 2006). Established data regarding the development of arthropods which are significant in forensic investigations on the dead body remains that are derived through various controlled studies are employed in the conduct of forensic entomology(Tabor, 2004). Various conditions though like the species of invertebrate animals to be considered and the climatic condition of the location of death affect the accuracy of the information provided by this forensic entomology(Gomes, 2006). Thus, there is a necessity to conduct studies and establish arthropod colonization patterns in corpse of different locations of the globe. The progression of the global acceptance of forensic entomology in the investigation of criminal cases like murders catalyzed the various studies and researches conducted on this matter. The insects belonging to the family Calliphoridae which is commonly known as â€Å"blowflies† in particular are currently employed as biological clock for the determination of the time of death for more than two weeks. Some of the other insects found to be of significant importance in forensic entomology are: Chrysomya spp. , Cochliomyia spp. , Lucilia spp. , Fannia spp. , Drosophila spp. , Musca spp. , Nasonia spp. , Tineola spp. , Geotrupes spp. , and Necrobia spp(Gomes, 2006). The earliest invertebrates which will colonize dead body remains of vertebrate animals including humans are the necrophilus fly species which are of the family Calliphoridae and Sarcophagidae. When the maggots of these invertebrates arise, beetles which belong to the families Staphylidae, Silphidae, and Histeridae are the next ones to colonize the corpse because they fed on the maggots of the necrophilus flies. Beetles that are under the family Dermestidae are usually the late ones to colonize the dead body remains of vertebrates because they thrive on dry stages of decomposing corpse. In different locations around the globe there is variation in the patterns of invertebrate fauna colonization due to the variations in arthropod families thriving factors(Tabor, 2004). The general objective of this study is to verify the utilization of invertebrate fauna as indicators of the time elapsed from the death of the vertebrate animal. The specific objectives of this study are to determine the following: the existence of the effect of burning on the decay process, abundance of invertebrate fauna, and the diversity of invertebrate fauna in the pig liver samples; effect of the length of decay to the diversity of soil invertebrate fauna; and, the effect of the length of decay to the numbers of the soil invertebrate fauna MATERIALS AND METHODS Studies associated to forensic entomology use various types of carcasses like that of the dogs, pigs, and calves. In this study, samples of the pig (Sus scrofa) liver were utilized because whilst it is the widely utilized and acceptable animal model, humans have similar characteristics with this animal specie such as the type of digestive system and the omnivorous characteristic. Two hundred grams (440 lbs) samples of pig liver were utilized for the experiments. All the pig livers were placed on the same day on the surface of the grassland soil around Byrom Street Complex between 2 days and 4 weeks. Wire coverings were utilized to prevent seagulls and other scavengers from consuming the pig liver samples placed in the grassland soil. All the samples have the same exposure to the weather and invertebrate infestation. The pig liver samples were of two types the burnt and unburned (control) samples. At day 3, 7, 10, 14, and 17 burnt and unburnt liver samples were collected and placed at -20 °C to prevent further degradation and multiplication of the invertebrate fauna present in the samples. The unburnt and burnt liver samples utilized in the experiment were identical in number. The liver samples which were used as the burnt variable were first covered with petrol before being burnt until crisp, dry, and black in the outer surface. In each same time intervals, five soil cores were collected from underneath the liver samples. The invertebrates which were present in these soil cores were extracted, identified, and counted. During the examination time, the pig liver samples from the temperature of -20 °C were weighed and then the colour and the state of decay were noted. The invertebrates which were present in the in the pig liver samples were extracted, identified, and counted. The larvae of flies were classified into first, second, or third instar. The taxonomic groupings like the phylum, orders, and genus of the invertebrates collected from the pig liver samples were included in the identification, classification, and recording of the invertebrate species present in the samples. The species considered in the identification and classification of the invertebrate fauna extracted from the pig liver samples were: species under suborder Nematocera, Stratiomyia species, Fannia spp. , Calliphora spp. (blowflies), species of family Lumbricidae (Earthworms), species of class Gastropoda (Slugs), species of Subclass Acari (Mites), species of order Collembola, species of order Diplura, Superclass Myriapoda (Millipedes and Centipedes), and species of family Carabidae. All the observations were recorded and tabulated after the experimentation proper. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS There are a variety of data gathered in this study thus the t-test was employed not only once in the analysis of the diverse gathered data. To determine the effect of burning on the abundance of invertebrate fauna in the decaying body remains a two sided t-test is done. The hypothesis (ho) is that the number of Calliphora spp. colonizing the decomposing vertebrate animal part is equal in the burnt and unburnt pig liver samples. The effect of burning on the rate of decomposition of body tissues was also analyzed through a two way t-test and the hypothesis (ho) is that the rate of decay process is equal in both the burnt and unburnt pig liver samples. Abundance of invertebrate fauna in soil in relation to the length of pig liver sample decay is determined by a two sided t-test with the hypothesis (ho) that the invertebrate fauna abundance RESULTS The primary invertebrate fauna which was observed in this study is the blowflies or Calliphora species. There are other species that were extracted from the liver sample though but the numbers are lesser than ten for each species and compared to the number of the Calliphora species the collected other invertebrate species are insignificant in number. The results of the two sided t-test done for the determination if burning has effects on the abundance of invertebrate species implies that indeed burning vertebrate animal carcass is associated with decreased number of Calliphora spp. compared to the invertebrate animal species collected in the raw pig liver samples. At ? =10%, the computed value for /ttab/ is 1. 622 which is greater than ttab =1. 303. Then hypothesis (ho) which is the number of Calliphora spp. colonizing the decomposing vertebrate animal part is equal in the burnt and unburnt pig liver samples was rejected. Thus, the ha that is the number of Calliphora spp. collected from the raw pig liver samples are greater than the number of Calliphora spp. collected from the burnt pig liver sample is accepted. Therefore, there is significant evidence which supports that burning affects the abundance of invertebrate fauna colonizing vertebrate animal corpse by creating a condition that facilitates the decrease of the number of the invertebrate fauna being able to colonize the burnt vertebrate animal corpse. The existence larvae in the control liver pig samples were observed only until day 7 and the stage of larvae development is in the 1st and 2nd instar in both the raw (unburnt) and burnt pig liver samples. On the 10th day, a reduction in the number of Calliphora spp. larvae is observed whilst there is the development of some of the larvae into the third instar stage hence the stages of larvae observed in this collection period were 1st, 2nd, and 3rd instars for the unburnt pig liver samples. In the burnt liver samples the larval stages were not identified. On day 14, the numbers of Calliphora species extracted continued to decrease whilst the larval stages are 1st, 2nd, and 3rd instar for the unburnt pig liver samples. The Callipora spp. larvae collected from the burnt pig liver samples on day 14 are on the 3rd instar. On the 17th day a greater reduction in the number of Calliphora species present is observed but mainly the larval stage is the 3rd instar (Table 1). SAMPLES DAY 1 DAY 7 DAY 10 DAY 14 DAY 17 Raw liver sample 1 no larvae 1st 2nd instar larvae 1st, 2nd and 3rd instar larvae 1st, 2nd and 3rd instar larvae no larvae Raw liver sample 2 no larvae 1st 2nd instar larvae 1st, 2nd and 3rd instar larvae 2nd and 3rd instar larvae 3rd instar larvae Burnt liver sample 1 no larvae 1st 2nd instar larvae Larval stage not identified 3rd instar larvae 3rd instar larvae Burnt liver sample 2 no larvae 1st 2nd instar larvae Larval stage not identified 3rd instar larvae 3rd instar larvae Table 1. The stages of larval development observed in the burnt and unburnt pig liver samples. The effect of burning on the rate of decomposition of body tissues (pig liver samples) were analyzed also using a two sided t-test. Since the data on the burnt and unburnt pig liver samples have two replicates the average of this data was used in the analysis. A graph of this average shows the difference of the decomposition rate of body tissues in the raw state and the burnt state (Figure 1). There is an observable greater decrease in tissue mass of the raw pig liver samples onwhen compared to the tissue mass decay of the burnt pig liver samples. The two sided t-test analysis result reject the hypothesis (ho) is that the rate of decay process is equal in both the burnt and unburnt pig liver samples. The computed value for /ttab/ at ? =10% is 1. 899. This is greater than ttab =1. 303 , thus the null hypothesis (ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis which is raw pig liver sample tissue decomposed (in kilograms) is greater than the tissue decomposed in the burnt pig liver samples. The rate of decomposition thus is faster in unburnt vertebrate body remains when compared to the burnt body remains. The number of invertebrate colonization in the soil in relation to the length of corpse decay in the different sample types is shown in figure 2. In each sample type (control, raw, and burnt pig liver samples) there were 6 replicates thus the values of the replicates were averaged and then tabulated and converted into a graph. The graph shows that in both the raw (unburnt) and burnt pig liver samples the peak number of invertebrates collected is in day 7. There was greater number of invertebrates collected in the soil with burnt pig liver sample (average of 234 invertebrates) on the 7th day collection compared to the collected invertebrates in the soil with raw pig liver sample. Abundance of invertebrate fauna in soil in relation to the length of pig liver sample decay is determined by a two sided t-test with the hypothesis (ho) that the invertebrate fauna abundance (number of invertebrates) increases in relation to the progression of the length of decay. The t- test result rejects the hypothesis (ho) that the invertebrate fauna abundance (number of invertebrates) increases in relation to the progression of the length of decay. The computed value for /ttab/ at ? =10% is 2. 278 which is greater than ttab =1. 303. The invertebrate fauna does not decrease with the progression of the decay due to the life cycling of the invertebrates. DISCUSSION The predominant invertebrate species that first arrive in the dead body remains of vertebrates especially humans are the blowflies which belong to the family Calliphoridae and the members of these family are commonly known as Green bottle flies, House flies, and Blue Bottle flies. The stages of the life cycle of these flies are the egg, first instar larvae, second instar larvae, third instar larvae, prepupa, pupa, and adult(Steck-Flynn, 2003). These species of invertebrate fauna are first colonizers of vertebrate dead animal remains hence there population are the predominant ones observed in this study. The pattern of colonization abundance in the soil is different in both the raw and burnt liver pig samples (Fig. 2). The colonization abundance in the soil with raw pig liver samples has a major and minor peak in the five collection days which is in day 7 and day 14 respectively. The invertebrate fauna collected on the soil with burnt pig sample on the other hand has the major peak also at day 7 but the other peak is not in the scope of the 5 collection days (day3, 7, 10, 14, 17). The soil invertebrate colonization thus has a later cycle in the burnt pig liver sample when compared to the raw pig liver sample. The invertebrate fauna species that have majority of the population of the collected specimens were the blowflies (Calliphora spp. ). The other invertebrate species that has significant numbers in the collected population are: Mites, Collembola, Diplura, Carabid/ Staphylinid larvae, and Earthworms. The faster rate of decomposition of raw vertebrate dead body tissues when compared to the burnt vertebrate dead body tissues is attributed to the presence of more materials that the invertebrates can fed on. The burnt tissues of invertebrate dead bodies have have lesser water content and the tissues are covered with carbon dioxide instead of oxygen. Palatability may be the reason behind the invertebrate animal’s preference for raw than burnt corpse. The lesser invertebrates that feed on the dead body remains the longer the decay of it hence the burnt dead body remains will take longer time to decompose(de Carvalho, 2001). ACKNOWLEDGEMENT REFERENCES de Carvalho, L. (2001).Seasonality of insect succession and pig carcass decomposition in a natural forest area in southeastern Brazil Journal of Forensic Sciences, 46(3). Gomes, L. V. Z. , CL. (2006). Forensic Entomology and Main Challenges in Brazil. Neotropical Entomology, 35(1), 001-011. Steck-Flynn, K. (2003). The Role Of Entomology In Forensic Investigations. Crime and Clues Retrieved January 19, 2008, from http://www. crimeandclues. com/entomology_intro. htm Tabor, K. B. , C; Fell, R. (2004). Analysis of the Successional Patterns of Insects on Carrion in Southwest Virginia. Journal of Medical Entomology, 41(4), 785? 795.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Reactivity of Mg and Ca Essay Example for Free

Reactivity of Mg and Ca Essay Introduction The aim of this practical is to observe the difference in the reactivity between Mg and Ca when hot and cold water is added. Hypothesis We think they will react in some kind of form. Variables The independent variable was the temperature of the water and also the quantity of metal use in the experiment and the dependent variable was the reaction. Equipment * Mg (s) * Ca (s) * Phenolphthalein * Beaker * Cold and hot water * Sandpaper * Test tubes with rack Procedure 1. The Magnesium was cleaned with sandpaper. 2. Two pieces of magnesium was put into two test tubes and two pieces of calcium was put into two test tubes. 3. Cold water was added into two test tubes one with calcium one with magnesium. 4. Two droplets of phenolphalein were added in each of the test tubes filled with cold water to observe the change in ph. 5. Water was heated over a Benson burner and poured into the two test tubes without water while observing the reactions. 6. Two droplets of phenolphalein were added in each of the test tubes filled with cold water to observe the change in ph. Observation Relative reactivity of Cold water Hot water Mg There was a minimum reaction. Fig. 1 There is a bigger reaction than with the cold water. Fig. 2 Ca The temperature of the water increases right away. Before we dropped the phenolphthalein the solution was white, fig.3, but after adding the phenolphthalein it turned pink, fig.4, which means that the reaction is basic. The temperature stayed the same but because the water was hot the reaction was more explosive and quicker. Before the phenolphthalein the solution was white, fig.3, and after dropping the phenolphthalein it turned pink, fig.4, which means that is a basic solution. Results Are your results in accordance with what you have learned about reactivity? Yes because calcium has more orbits the atom has the less energy it needs to give away electrons. In this case the atom that has more orbits is the calcium that is why it reacts more than the magnesium because calcium needs less energy to give electrons away. And the magnesium didnt react much because it needs more energy that the one that we gave it. Write the balanced equation for the reaction between Mg and H2O: Mg (s) + H2O (l) MgO (s) + H2 (g) Uncertainties Other element might have been present. The hot water might have been heated more. Conclusion We learned that both magnesium and calcium is basic solutions because of the pink tint to the color. We also learned that calcium reacted faster than magnesium.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Miriam Defensor Santiago for President

Miriam Defensor Santiago for President Jamaica May Arizapa Kimberly Baltazar Senate’s Woman of Steel for President All people are deemed to be potential leaders. But only a few achieve the crucial requirements demanded to effectively lead. The capability to head is either connatural or developed. Everybody discerns that leading a country is considerably one of the toughest accountability. A common inquiry of the majority includes the information of what he or she will accomplish, the advantages to them and the probable outcomes of the leader’s limited term. The head of the country has the power to rule, thus it is his or her responsibility to use it relevantly in a righteous way with valid purposes. In addition to that, a considered instance of his or her job is to guarantee the safety and stable lifestyle of his or her fellow countrymen. No person is perceived to be foolproof; consequently, exquisite abstract characterizations should not be the whole basis in selecting a leader. However, he or she is presumed to minimize carelessness and irrational errors. Sublimely, the president’ s duty is to bring in significant development in every aspect for the country. A good leader is impelled by inspiring vision success for the country. He or she is motivated to execute excellent tasks that will help to cope with his or her country’s limitations. An effective leader doesn’t just browbeat, but also hears the voices of his or her fellow countrymen. He or she develops good communication between him or her and them. Being optimistic is not merely a favorable factor; moreover, it must be combined with being realistic so it would bring forth substantial and remarkable development in the country. An effective leader is both a critical and creative thinker that comes up with significant resolutions to many problems. A true leader works hard because of his or her genuine passion for work. Most importantly, the leader believes in his or her country and constitution. On the upcoming elections on 2016, the Filipino voters must make a deliberate decision. Basically, the voters’ dominant choice will determine the fate of the country. As thoroughly researched and observed, the one who deserves the position the most to be granted by the Filipino citizens’ voting power on the next election is Miriam Defensor–Santiago because she visibly demonstrates commitment to public service in a way that she cares for youth and woman, fights corruption, is the Senates top performer in terms of bills and resolutions filed, courageously justifies her judgements through trials, and well-experienced in the field of politics. Despite of being known as the Iron Lady of Asia according to the Asia Magazine, Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago has her soft heart and sympathy to the children and women. Aside from being a senator she is also a woman and a mother, and she understands the needs of children and women. As a mother, she already experienced of losing a child and she considers that children need protection. In line with this, she filed a Senate Bill No. 2446 or the Children’s Emergency Relief and Protection Act to prioritize and give attention to the security of children affected by natural disasters. Santiago said, â€Å"Children are the most vulnerable in times of disaster. They are at higher risk of disease, abuse, and exploitation. . . .† (Miriam Defensor-Santiago, n.d) Another bill concerning children is the Senate Bill No. 2455 Special Protection of Children against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act which she filed on November 2014. It aims to protect children against any abu ses and discrimination that they are exposed to. She also protects the rights of women by a co-authoring R.A. No. 9710 or the Magna Carta for Women. It conveys a framework of rights for women based directly on international law. The different features of the law comprises act that focuses on the human rights and defying gender discrimination against women. It seeks to eliminate discrimination through the recognition, protection, fulfillment and promotion of the rights of Filipino women, especially those belonging in the marginalized sectors of the society. (Philippine Commission on Women, n.d) She also supports political participation of young people in the country. Oxfam defined activism as the Youth participation helps to promote the civic and political life of young people. According to Santiago in her inaugural speech for the public forum at the Leong Hall, Ateneo de Manila University, youth participation helps to promote the civic and political life of young people. In country like Philippines whose corruption is all over, there is still a politician who is honestly serving the country and continuing in fighting corruption. She is Miriam Defensor Santiago who has the urged to dispute corruption. One of the biggest sources of corruption is the manipulation of the proposed budget, and as a devotee of fighting corruption she monitored the proper distribution of country’s budget. The House of Representatives approved on second reading the proposed P2.606 trillion national budget for 2015. According to Santiago this proposed budget is unconstitutional and questionable. In a privilege speech she uttered that the 2015 budget which contains two dangerous minefields leading to corruption, is not what people expect it is what administration candidates expect. She also called it as an ‘election budget’. (Miriam Defensor-Santiago, n.d) When she noticed something wrong on the distribution the national budget she immediately acts to liquid ate the starting point of corruption. One evidence of this is when she immediately calls for a resolution calling for an investigation regarding the reports that the Philippine Postal Corp. (Philpost) has accumulatedP5 billion in unsettled cash advances from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD). Another good thing about Miriam Santiago is that she is not afraid of questioning officers even it is higher than her. In connection with the corruption scandal of Vice President Jejomar Binay, Miriam- Defensor Santiago said that banks should be required to exposed dummies. Santiago has filed Senate Bill No. 2438, mandating banks to practice monitoring of accounts beneficially owned by politically exposed persons. Santiago’s bill provides that at account opening, banks should require customers to complete a written and signed declaration identifying themselves, the legal entity for which the person is opening the account, and any beneficial owners associated with th e legal entity. Banks should also be required to undertake measures to prevent money laundering of ill-gotten wealth by corrupt government officials and their dummies. Surrounded by politician who is being blind by money, Miriam Defensor Santiago still holds her integrity of not accepting bribe from anyone. This was proven when she returned the P250,000 cash gift given to her by Juan Ponce Enrile, who was then the Senate president. Santiago also revealed that on top of the P250,000 cash gift from Enrile, almost all of the senators were also given P1.6 million from the savings of the Senate (Sy, 2013). Miriam Defensor Santiago surprised the crowd and reporters when she announced that she is suffering from Stage 4 lung cancer. Despite of being ill, Miriam- Defensor Santiago managed to be the top-ranking senator in terms of the number of bills and resolutions filed since the start of the 16th Congress. She did not let her sickness stops her from serving the country. Based on the Senate legislative bills and index service, Santiago filed the most number of bills at 437, 436 of which she was the principal author. She also filed 181 resolutions, 179 of which were introduced by her. In November 18, 2014, she filed the Senate Bill No. 2457 Newborn Infant Safe Haven Act. It is an act providing safe haven for abandoned newborn infants. Another one is she filed a bill about Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Disclosure Act. It is all about protection the public health by requiring tobacco manufacturers to disclose information on ingredients and constituents in tobacco products. Miriam Defensor-Santiago strongly justifies her judgements based on facts and experience through trials. She heard major cases in criminal and civil law and handled special proceedings. In any given week, she might hear criminal cases ranging from bad checks through drug dealing, robbery, rape, and murder, and civil suits involving adoption, probate, or large claims between competing businessmen. The Philippine judicial system follows the European system in eschewing jury trials: the judge determines guilt or innocence and metes out sentences. Those who tried to bribe her, she threatened with citations for contempt of court. To make the point, she sent some immediately to jail, ordering them released, relieved but shaken, shortly thereafter. She admonished her staff against accepting or forwarding to her any gifts from interested parties. In a procedure manual she wrote, now used widely by other judges, she stated: The first rule of this courtroom is no bribes, no extortion. To a jud ge who sent her unsolicited advice about one of her cases, she replied through his messenger that, if he wants to decide my case, then I should take steps to have the case transferred to him. Rebuffing influences from all sides, Defensor-Santiago eventually got her message across. After six months people stopped trying to influence her decisions (Santiago, Miriam Defensor, 2012). Miriam Defensor-Santiago is well-experienced in the field of politics. Besides from being a senator of the Philippines from 1995-2016, she also became the Chair of Presidential Agrarian Reform Council Executive Committee, and Commissioner of Immigration and Deportation, Presiding Judge at the Regional Trial Court (Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago, n.d.). Santiago (2012) described the problem with Philippine elections at the Far Eastern University Central Student Organization lecture series: Let me summarize the problem with Philippine elections: Of the 50 million voters who will troop to the polls in May next year, the greater majority are not intelligent, they are not educated for voting, and the candidates they choose are not educated for serving. This problem is the result of the fact that our Constitution provides that no literacy requirement shall be imposed on voters. Furthermore, although the Constitution provides that a senator should be literate in that he should be able to read and write, the same Constitution does not require any educational attainment on the part of any candidate. Filipino voters have the biggest contribution in determining who will be the next president and in order to have an effective president, the citizens should vote wisely. They should not be deceived by the popularity of the candidates. Voters should regard the capabilities, strengths and weaknesses of the campaigners. Assessing that Miriam Defensor-Santiago has the care for youth and woman, fights corruption, is the Senates top performer in terms of bills and resolutions filed, strongly justifies her judgements through trials, and well-experienced in the field of politics, she can be a potential president of the country. References Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago. n.d . Retrieved November 20, 2014 from Senate of the Philippines: Senator Miriam Defensor – Santiago. (n.d.). Retrieved November 3, 2016, from the Senate of the Philippines: Sy, M. 2013. Retreived November 22, 2014 from The Philippine Star: Santiago, Miriam Defensor. 2012. Retrieved November 23, 2016 from Ramon Magsaysay Awardee Foundation:

Saturday, July 20, 2019

High-Tech Workers in the Silicon Valley Essay examples -- Essays Paper

Brief History of the Valley The Silicon Valley area became a major manufacturing power after World War II. The Cold War furthered this development, as industries involved in defense, aerospace, steel, oil, automobiles, and so on prospered (Hossfeld 405-406). The high-technology industry began in the laboratories of corporations such as Bell Laboratories, American Telephone and Telegraph, Fairchild Camera and Instrument, and General Electric during this Cold War era (Bacon, â€Å"Organizing†). Employment in California, especially Silicon Valley, grew rapidly between 1950 and 1980 due to technical innovation that characterized the postwar prosperity. Furthermore, federal spending expanded California’s economy, placing it in the front of a high-technology revolution (Hossfeld 405). Politicians such as the former President Clinton and Vice President Gore consider the Silicon Valley the model for the United States industrial growth in the new millennium. While this â€Å"model† has had remarkable products and performance, it also employs underpaid workers in unsafe environments (Siegel 91). Moreover, unlike most manufacturing industries in the United States, the high-tech workers are not organized into unions. Microelectronics and Cell Phones Santa Clara Valley, California, better known as Silicon Valley, is the birthplace and reigning capital of the largest and fastest growing manufacturing industry in the world, microelectronics (Hossfeld 405). Microelectronics is defined as a branch of electronics that deals with the miniaturization of electric circuits and components. This involves computers, processor, cell phones, and many other electronic devices. Cell phones are becoming a part of the microelec... ...ersity of California Press, 1995. - â€Å"Organizing the Valley.† Silicon Valley biz ink. 2003. Silicon Valley Business Ink. 14 Oct. 2003 . - Orr, Andrea. â€Å"Ex-IBM Worker Says He Lost His Sense of Smell.† Yahoo! News. 2003 - Yahoo! Inc. 13 Nov. 2003 . - Siegel, Lenny. â€Å"New Chips in Old Skins: Work and Labor in Silicon Valley.† Global Productions—Labor in the Making of the â€Å"Information Society†. Ed. Gerald Sussman & John A. Lent. New Jersey: Hampton Press Inc., 1998. - â€Å"Silicon Valley Companies.† San Jose/Silicon Valley Websites. 2002 San Jose/Silicon Valley Websites. 13 Nov. 2003 .

Positives of TV :: Television

Many years ago, almost no one had a television set. Now there are more houses with TV than ever. There is a lot of discussion about whether television is a good or bad influence for family life. There are many negative points and also many positive ones. Now I will run through some of each. One of the first reasons why parents should limit the amount of time their children spend watching TV is that children read less and watch TV more and of course this will lead into a lack of exercise. Therefore parents should help their children watch TV and read equally. Plus encourage them to move a lot due to the increase in number of obese people and practice other activities. Another complaint is that there is too much violence and sexual reference that can be accessed easily by children, this can destroy a young child's mind easily. Watching violent television programs teaches aggressive attitudes and behaviors and the children might try to imitate the bad behavior that these programs show, and bad expression because they wants to act like them as adults by thinking this is the right thing. Moreover, parents must have control and know what programs their children are watching. TV has many positive points, as it is considered an extremely valuable machine that provides us with relaxation and education. For example, People who have been working hard all day will look forward to watch an episode of a favorite show. This period of relaxation will reduce their stress and leaves viewers refreshed and ready to take all works again. Besides it?s a good option for parents who are tried trying to entertain their kids, to sit them down in front of a cartoon to take some rest. However it must not be done frequently. Secondly, the most important point about television is getting education. Children can learn colors, numbers, and letters from programs that shows on televisions like Barney. Also, it provides us with valuable information by covering important events and current news.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Illusion in Death Of A Salesman :: essays research papers

What does Williams say about illusions and how are they important/dangerous to us? Tennessee Williams’ protagonist, Blanche Dubois, is a woman struggling to escape the faults of her past and secure a new life for herself. Her many mistakes have turned her life upside down and created a host of problems for her to deal with. To help her deal with the extreme direness of her existence, Blanche often creates fantasies and delusions to make her life seem more stable than it actually is. Although Blanche’s ultimate mental deterioration is partially due to her adherence to her delusions, it seems it is also these fantasies that help Blanche cope with her desperate situations. It is in this way that Williams presents illusions as something that can be important in our lives. Sometimes experiences in life are too traumatic or emotionally consuming to deal with outright. By tricking ourselves into thinking that the situation is better or different, we find ourselves more ready to live with whatever problem that effects us. However, as is the case with Blanche, illusions can potentially be destructive to our psyches as well. Hiding behind delusions to avoid our problems can make them all the more cataclysmal when we are forced to return to reality and face them. Throughout A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche subdues the demons of her past by deceiving herself and those around her into thinking that they don’t exist. This method of coping with her problems makes them even more disastrous when she is finally forced to face them. As an added blow to Blanche’s mental stability, her spirit is destroyed by her savage rape at the hands of her brother-in-law,

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Case 3- marketing Essay

1. how was Samsung able to go from copycat Brand to product leader? By introducing a new top-to-bottom strategy for the entire company which Lee called â€Å"new management†. In order to become a cutting-edge product leader and not a copycat and cheap brand, Samsung hired new fresh young designers whom will develop sleek, bold, beautiful and that will always receive a Wow! For response new products. Also, the company was no longer going to work with low-end distributers, instead they choose to work with specialty retailers such as Best Buy and Circuit City. Lee ´s goal was to dethrone Sony and become the biggest consumer electronics firm in the world. 2. is Samsung ´s product development process customer centered? Team based? Systematic? I do believe that Samsung ´s product development process has all those qualities since every new product has to pass the Wow! Test during testing in order to be very attractive for customers, otherwise it is sent back to the design department. Throughout this test the company can also evaluate and review the new products. Also the â€Å"new management† is a top-to-bottom strategy so it is supposed to be centered, team based and systematic; it requires several departments to work together. 3. Based on the PLC, what challenges does Samsung face in managing its high-tech products? Samsung ´s products have been extremely successful during the last years but now their high-tech products have lost their touch and the company ´s profits and sales are declining. Lee ´s reponse to this matter was Samsung ´s new strategy â€Å"mabuljungje† which means â€Å"horse that does not stop†; even tought their products are in the decline stage Lee does not plan to stop, he  believes this is the time for the company to run and keep going. 4. will Samsung likely achieve its goals in markets where it does not dominate, such as smartphones? Why or why not? I dont belive it will conquer the markets where it does not dominate right now simply because even tought they are investing heavily to ensure and have the TV advantage loyalty lies in the products of other companies such as Mac Store. Right now little percentage of the customers prefer Samsung instead of Mac why? Because their products are more recognized in society terms, have more class, usually are the first ones to appear so they are inmediatly the leaders , the service is good and more.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Chemistry: Displacement Reactions Essay

Objectives1. Learn how to classical the portion penning2. Learn how to get the pct use oxidation reduction and double chemical pitions3. To suit more familiar with the use titration techniques4. To win how to get the flavour out of an quimical ambitTo develop and utilize procedures to take the share composition, of ZnCI2. As well titrating with NaOH ascendant. afterward whole the examine we got hta sodium chloride witch we burden and we got our results.Experiment responses.33w of Zn(OH)2 x moles Zn(OH)2/m. moles Zn(OH2) x 1molZnCI2/1 mol Zn(OH)2 x g molZnCI2/1 mol of ZnCL2 = .4531 grams of ZnCI2 .4531g of ZnCl2 x 1 moles ZnCI2/m. moles ZnCI2 x 1molZn/1 mol of ZnCI2 x 65.39 of Zn/1 mol Zn = .2174g ZnMaterials infallibleScaleBuretteBeakerSpatulaErlenmeyer flaskfulPrenolpthen (color indicator)ZnCL2NaOHTubeVacuumPaper filters rubberise baseQuestions1. What is the load of a hold 1982 cent?2.5 grams2. What is the percent shit and surface in a post 1982 penny?97.5% o f atomic number 30 and 2.5% of blur3. How m all grams of copper and atomic number 30 are in a post 1982 penny?2.44grams of copper and 0.0625gramss of surface4. How many moles of copper and coat are in post 1982 pennies?0.0383moles of cooper and 0.000955moles of zinc5. Write a equilibrate answer of zinc with HCl.Zn (s) + 2 HCl(aq) ==== Zn+2(aq) + 2 Cl-(aq) + H2(g)ReactionZn(s) + 2 H+(aq) ==== Zn+2(aq) + H2(g)6. How many moles of HCl are needed to react just with all of the zinc in a post 1982 penny?7.46 x 10-2 mol HCl7. In a procedure developed to determine the percent zinc in post 1982 pennies, 50 ml of an HCl solution was apply to react (dissolve) all of the zinc in the penny. To guarantee complete reception, the solution contains twice as many moles of HCl that is actually needed. What concentration of HCl should be used?M=2.9847.4610-2 mol x 2 = .1492mol H8. In the scenario exposit in problem 7, what is the amount (in moles) of senseless (unreacted) HCl in solution? .1492 moles used.0746 needed.0746 moles HCI unreacted9. How many moles of NaOH would be needed to completely react with all of the otiose HCl resolute in problem 8?.0746 moles HCI reacts with.0746 moles of NaOH10. As described in problem 7, a procedure was developed to determine the percent zinc in post 1982 pennies. In that procedure 50 ml of an HCl was used to react (dissolve) all of the zinc in the penny. To ensure complete reaction, the solution contains twice as many moles of HCl that is actuallyneeded. To determine the percent zinc in the penny, the excess (unreacted) HCl was titrated with NaOH. Determine the concentration of NaOH needed if you require to use approximately 25 mL of NaOH to titrate the excess HCl. M = .0746 moles of NaOH/.025L NaOHM = 2.98411. Write the balanced chemical reaction of zinc with HCl (same as problem 5). Is the crossroad of this reaction soluble in sedimentary solution? Yes soluble Zn(s) + 2HCI (aq) = ZnCI2(aq) + H2(g)12. Write the balanced che mical reaction of the product of the reaction described above (problem 11) with NaOH. Is the product of this reaction soluble in aqueous solution? ZnCI2 + 2NaOH = Zn(OH)2+ 2NaCIZn(OH)2 = low solubilityExpected resultsOur anticipate results are to obtain the bug cluster in the solution while titrating. This course after taken more stairs we while maybe be fit to find some salt.Steps to do*In the runner part of this experiment we are going to dissolve the zinc core of a penny *After that we leave the copper covering integral*We also by putting quadruplet notches in the coin using a triangular file and placing the penny in 50ml of a predetermined concentration of HCI overnight*After that we are going to authoritative the concentration needed to add 2 times the number of moles of HCI needed in the 50ml of solution *We are going to determinate the percent of copper from the mass of copper and the percent zinc by deuce methods1. The titration experiment2. The precipitation exper iment* instantaneously we first got 10 ml of ZnCI2*To that we added 6 drops of our color indicator (Prenolpthen) *After that we got 50 ml NaOH solution*Than we titrate the ZnCl2 with NaOH*Until we got pink cluster*Now we put the clusters in a paper filter that was come down the solution living only the clusters *With a tube we connected a make clean so this way wewere left with only the salt*After this we put the salt in like an oven so that this could prohibitionist the salt and this wont be wet*When we took it out all we had was ironical salt and we weight it and started our formulasResultsI figure the percent % of salt of Zn(OH)2. First I determinate the formulas for both, follow by sharp the atomic mass of Zn. First I had to have the weight of the salt, so I did all the procedures on top. My result for the weight of the salt was .33g and the result of the Zn was .2174. To be able to get percent I calculated by dividing 2.174 witch is the grams of Zn and 2.5 grams multiplyi ng the result by 100 = 86.994% expiration and discussionDuring Experiment 8 conducted April 16 2014. I noticed the difference in the % for the reaction, when titrating ZnCI2 with NaOH solution. For this experiment we did 2 examinations since in the first one we did not get any clusters, but on the second trial we did get some and we got more salt than anyone else.

Education and Teacher Essay

The word instructor does the work no service. A t separatelyer is re bothy a combination of the most signifi asst professions in the world. similarly the pargonnts, an educator is the biggest influence in a babys life. The age span in which children are in cultivate is the most impressionable old age of their lives. A students educational buzz off weed mold the events of his or her future. That is why I deprivation to become a instructor. I need to be a mold for younger generations, and I hope for students to remember a noesisable and honest checker. Beliefs I liveliness the student should come to educate departing to escort and the teacher should come nominate to teachThe students role is on the button as important as the teachers the students expectations of the teacher should be for her to teach and help them pack at all times. Teachers also play an important role in the schoolroom when it comes to the environment. If the teacher prepares a warm, happy envir onment, students are much the likes ofly to be happy. An environment set by the teacher can be either good or bad. If students feel the teacher is angry, students may react badly to that and so learning can be problematicer. I retrieve teachers are responsible for the social behavior in their classrooms.This behavior is primarily a reflection of the teachers actions and the environment he/she sets. Metaphysics We are all here for a purpose and I conceptualise that, that is to live for God and hook up with his look of life. It is hard to know what you are really on world for until you scram it through him Some teachers will find it hard to keep the focus on the classroom do to all the other outside distractions but, I strongly believe that is you were meant to be a teacher then you will find a way to look past the bad and find the good. wherefore am I here? I think I am here to help children follow their dreams and make it through school easier than I did.When I become a t eacher I neediness to be the best ever I want to see that smile on the kids faces after I teach them roundthing amazing. Progressivism I want to teach from some aspects of the progressivism style which focuses on respect for individuality, high forecast for comprehension, and learning from take. I want to teach the children in my classroom to perk up respect for each other. This is a quality that will help them to be victorious in ordination because if they respect others, then others will eat respect for them. Having respect for others also shows that they crap respect for themselves.I also want children to learn by hands-on activities. I will locate them from step to step and demonstrate how to do each step in the activities they perform. These activities make learning more inte lie ining for the children because the children are able to get knobbed instead of just always watching the teacher do everything. Speaking of the children getting involved, they can really get involved when learning in a different atmosphere when on field trips. I feel taking children on field trips is an good learning experience for them because it allows children to get out of the classroom setting and learn from a different perspective.In addition I want to focus on sciences because they are an important area in the knowledge of children. I think this growing area of our society should be focused on thoroughly because science advances and improves every day and I feel children should be aware of their changing world. Constructivism I feel like this is the main reason why I should teach and why I want to teach, I have learned so much though school and it has molded me to become who I am today. I learn a lot through experience and what I know will make me a better teacher it will help me bear upon to the ones that hate school or the ones that think they cant do it.Its all a process and the way you take the steps is how I think you will show others so you have to help t hem with their process and make sure that it doesnt go bad or in the reproach direction. I plan to continue my education so that I may make teaching my profession. afterwards graduation, I hope to find a federal agency in an elementary school teaching in one of the first through sixth mannikin classes. I feel that elementary education is extremely important because it is here that children establish their foundation for the rest of the educational career. My goal and desires are to have the probability to touch a childs life.